hide one's head in the sand
стараться не видеть неприятной или опасной ситуации, "прятать голову в песок"
Пример использования идиомы hide one's head in the sand:
Willy keeps from knowing something unpleasant; he prefers to hide his head in the sand.
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Другие идиомы:
- stick one's head in a noose
- go over (someone's) head
- hold one's head up
- have a head for (something)
- head shrinker
- stand (something) on its head
- bonehead
- fall head over heels in love with (someone)
- hit the nail on the head
- head
- put ideas into (someone's) head
- rear its ugly head
- give (someone) a swelled head
- put one's heads together
- trouble one's head about (someone or something)