Анекдоты на английском языке
Собранные здесь анекдоты на английском сгруппированы по рубрикам, соответствующим тематике анекдотов. Каждому анекдоту Вы можете поставить свою оценку, которая учитывается в общем рейтинге анекдотов.
Лучшие анекдоты на английском:
- Mary was having an affair during the day while...
- Will it hurt doctor?
- A talking bird
- An easy solution
- A blonde with two red ears went to her doctor...
- Two Tourists
- Good girls vs. Bad girls
- A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job...
- Doing the right thing
- A man was being interviewed for a job...
- A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first day...
- Who am I?
- I've never understood why women love cats...
- There once was a young Irish woman who went to confession...
- Why study?
- Together again
- The Importance Of Correct Punctuation
- Moon Mission
- What's worse than finding a worm in the apple you're eating?
- The boss called one of his employees into the office...
- A 54 year old accountant leaves a letter for his wife...
- Letter from Daughter to Parents
- The medical student was asked four reasons...
- A robber was robbing a house...
- Homework
- A memory problem
- A talking Frog
- A customer walks into a restaurant and notices...
- An Idiot
- A helicopter was flying around above Seattle...
- An English teacher
- Why does Peter Pan Fly?
- An accountant is having a hard time sleeping...
- A Duck walks into a bar...
Анекдоты по темам:
- Animal World (203)
- At Work (114)
- Blondes (162)
- Books (13)
- Celebrities (67)
- Children (178)
- Computer (53)
- Criminals (30)
- Drunks (56)
- Elderly (89)
- Ethnic (252)
- Food and Drink (27)
- Foreign (44)
- Historical Stuff (26)
- Lawers and Legal (79)
- Letters (16)
- Medicine (148)
- Men (142)
- Miscellaneous (233)
- Music (23)
- Ouch! (46)
- Politics (127)
- Practical Jokes (33)
- Relationships (385)
- Religion and Church (147)
- Roads and Driving (50)
- School and College (41)
- Science (25)
- Sex (340)
- Situations (191)
- Sports (32)
- Tests (13)
- Travel (38)
- War and Military (37)
- Women (100)